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Parking Guidelines

Parking Guidelines

Parking in a Hoover High School parking lot is a PRIVILEGE

To obtain a parking permit, a student must:

1. bring the completed application to the Main Office beginning May 7th.
(There will be no money colected until the fall). Students must bring applications with all the required forms attached. Pakring spaces will be filled on a first- come, first-served basis. The cost is $40 for students who expect to park both semesters, or $20 for the second semester only. Price adjustements occur on the first day of the seoncd semester. Checks are to be made payble to Hoover High School. Students can pick up their parking tag and make the payment beginning August 6th.

2. the sophomore parking lot opens when marching band season is completed. Sophomore students pay a reduced rate of $30 for both semesters and $20 for the second semester only. Price adjustments occur on the first day of the second semester. Checks are to be made payble to Hoover High School. These students are to park in the Stadium Lot until the sophomore lot becomes available (no exceptions).

3. Stadium Lot parking spaces are free. However, cars must be registered in order to park in this lot.

4. complete all school forms (FinalForms).

To retain the parking privilege, a student must:

1. park and lock the car in its assigned space. Each student is assigned a specific space. Failure to
park in their given space is considered a parking violation.

2. drive and park the vehicle which is registered on the application. Please notify Mrs. Thomas if
driving a different car than the one registered.

3. hang the parking tag from the rearview mirror.

4. refrain from using or occupying the vehicle during the regular school day.

5. refuse to permit others to use the vehicle during the regular school day.

6. operate the vehicle in a safe and reasonable manner. Speed must not exceed 10 mph on school

Parking violations may result in disciplinary action (detention, Saturday School, ISI, Suspension) and/or loss of parking privilege if:

1. the driving tag is not properly displayed on the rearview mirror.

2. the student parks a vehicle in a space not assigned.

3. the vehicle is not parked between the lines.

4. the vehicle is parked in the staff/visitors’ parking areas. These are off-limits to students. VIP spots
are only available if the student has earned the opportunity to park in that assigned spot.

5. students may also lose parking privileges for excessive tardiness or if fines/fees have not
been paid.

Students parking on school property without registering their vehicles shall be disciplined and the vehicle
may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Download the student application here.